Saturday, August 26, 2017

Iran: Arash Sadeghi, on hunger strike in support of Gohardasht strikers

Arash Sadeghi on  hunger strike in support of Gohardasht strikers
A group of political prisoners in (Gohardasht) Prison in Karaj, west of Tehran, have launched a mass hunger strike in protest against inhuman and degrading treatment and forced transfer to the max-security section of the prison.
Arash Sadeghi, a political prisoner incarcerated in Evin prison, in a letter announced his support for the legitimate demands of the hunger striking political prisoners in Gohardasht prison concurrent with their 25th day of hunger strike.
The letter reads:

On 27th Day of Hunger Strike, Political Prisoners Health Deteriorates Rapidly

On 27th Day of Hunger Strike, Political Prisoners Health Deteriorates Rapidly

 The Iranian regime’s authorities in Gohardash Prison continue to deprive nearly two dozen political prisoners of necessary medical care as their health is deteriorating rapidly in the 5th week of their hunger strike.
The health of these political prisoners who are in Hall 10 of Section 4 of Gohardasht prison has worsened. They have become very weak and are suffering from hypertension. They are also suffering from severe headaches due to lack proper air circulation in the isolated cells and the hall. Prior to this, some even had difficulty siting down during their family visits on Wednesday, August 23.
The authorities in the prison intensified pressure on striking political prisoners following Tehran prosecutor’s shameless reaction to extensive expression of solidarity with striking political prisoners inside an outside of the country.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Women Supporting of political prisoner's hunger Strikers

Women Political Prisoners Support the Hunger Strikers
Three women political prisoners , Golrokh Iraei, Atena Daemi, and Maryam Akbari Monfared in Tehran Evin prison expressed their support in a letter to the political prisoners who are on hunger striking , in Gohardasht prison in Karaj.
They urged the international community, the U.N. Secretary General, the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran, and all political activists to take immediate action to save the lives of political prisoners on hunger strike.
The letter reads in part:
“Protecting the fundamental rights of people around the world regardless of their nationality, religion and color, and protesting human rights violations is an important and valuable approach.”

Sharan Burrow :imprisonment of Reza Shahabi is in contradiction with Iran's international obligations

ITUC Calls for Immediate Release of Iranian Labor Prisoner
ITUC General Secretary Sharan Burrow, has demanded the immediate and unconditional release of Reza Shahabi, a member of the board of directors of Iran’s Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company (UWTSBC).
Amnesty International has expressed concern about the health condition of Mr. Shahabi.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Mehrab Eyvazi in threatened torture and death Penalty

Mehrab Eyvazi in threatened torture and death Penalty
Mehrab Eyvazi, an adolescent who was arrested at the age of 17 with nine others, was sentenced to death by the regime's court for murder. According to reports, in addition to being severely beaten and mayhem in a police station, he is also threatened with rape.
Mr. Eyvazi was under the age of 18 at the time of his arrest, but the forensic court confirmed his rational and mental development in spite of his minor age, which provided the ground for the issue of the death sentence.

The letter of Ali Moezi, to the political prisoners on hunger strike in Gohardasht prison

The letter of Ali Moezi, to the political prisoners on hunger strike in Gohardasht prison

Ali Moezi  ,the political prisoner, detained in Tehran's Central prison, announced his supporting for the political prisoners on hunger strike in Gohardasht prison with writing a letter .
In this letter, he recalled his memoirs from Gohardasht prison in Karaj, whose space reminds the memories of the martyrs of 1980s, particularly the martyrs of the 1988 massacre in Iran.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Shahabi has been told he will remain behind bars until January 8th, 2019

Iran: Labor Activist to Remain Behind Bars for Another 17 Months
 Iran regime’s public prosecutor has informed the wife of Reza Shahbi that this labor activist must remain in jail for another 17 months, according to a statement issued by the Tehran Bus Drivers Syndicate. Shahabi has been told he will remain behind bars until January 8th, 2019.
Shahabi has been condemned to another year in prison based on charges described by this syndicate as “fabricated.” Furthermore, the public prosecutor has said the five months he was on medical leave – with approval from the coroners – is considered absence from his prison time.
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