Monday, January 30, 2017

Public Execution of Four Young Men in a Day

87 executions since the beginning of January
Engulfed by increasing international and domestic crises and fearful of the rise in popular protests and uprisings by the deprived segments of society and the army of the hungry, the clerical regime has found the only recourse in stepping up these criminal executions. Four young men, aged 22 to 26 were hanged in Mashhad and Bandar Abbas in only one day .on Sunday, January 29 by the Iranian regime.Since the start of year 87 persons were executed .The victims, mostly young, included two women and two adolescents. Seven were hanged in public. 
The Iranian Resistance in a statement urges the Iranian people, especially the young, to protest the barbaric mass executions and support the families of the victims. 

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