Monday, July 17, 2017

Iran: The female political prisoner's letter to Ambassadors Visiting Evin Prison

The Political Prisoner Writes a Letter to Ambassadors Visiting Evin Prison
Maryam Akbari Monfared the female political prisoner has written a letter to foreign countries’ ambassadors to Iran who recently visited Evin prison, she pointed  out the facts being hidden from them by prison officials.
Akbari is spending the eighth year in evin prison and has been spend in different prisons. 
Held in various prisons for decades. Akbari Monfared describes in her letter the situation in Iranian regime’s prisons, saying “I’ve witnessed with my own eyes the devaluation of human and humanity”. She points in her letter to prison special guards beating wretched, feeble female prisoners with batons.
Part of Akbari Monfared’s letter is listed below:
To honorable ambassadors Mr. Dian Wirengjuri of Indonesia, Mr. Mário Fernando Damas Nunes of Portugal, and others.

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