Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Iran: Protesting of Political Prisoner Visit to Evin Prison by Foreign Ambassadors

I now ask, why it did not allow Mr. Ahmad Shaheed, former UN Special Rapporteur to visit the country and also despite insistence of Ms. Asma Jahangir, the UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Iran
Reza Akbari Monfared,Political prisoner incarcerated in Gohardasht prison wrote an open letter addressed to the wakeful consciences and human rights activists to expose the scenes and conspiracies of the Iranian regime regarding the visit of ambassadors of some countries to Evin prison.
The letter reads in part:
I speak to you from the depths of the Medieval Prison of Gohardasht to talk about a regime that has been condemned for more than 60 times by the UN for having committed human rights abuses against Iranian people.
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