Tuesday, February 14, 2017

I proudly announce that I am the father of Mostafa Karim Beigi

I proudly announce that I am the father of Mostafa Karim Beigi

 Mostafa Karim Beigi's father condemned the agents of the Ministry of the Intelligence for arresting his wife and intimidating to set his house on fire in a statement.
Calls for Urgent Action to Free Activist Mother, Shahnaz Akmali

He says :"you told us that Shahnaz will be released provided that we keep silent. Lies after lies, oppression after oppression! I proudly announce that I am the father of Mostafa Karim Beigi; a 26-year old boy who sacrificed his life to Iran and freedom. 
after the uprising of 2009 in Iran, my son went into the street with empty hands but he was shot on the forehead. I am the father who buried his son with his own hands in the cold grave while he was shrouded with blood. Today my daughter experiences sharp pang since her mother is arrested and imprisoned on the charges of ‘seeking justice.’

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