Friday, February 17, 2017

Selling unclaimed corpses in Iran

Iran Regime Sold the Corpse of an Executed Prisoner for $3,000

Trading human organs is currently legal under the Iranian regime’s law. The poor are often exploited to sell body organs such as kidneys, a practice that has spread widely in recent years in Iran.
According to new reports Iranian medical colleges are paying up to $3,000 per corpse in the black-market, then selling unclaimed corpses in Iran has been widely noticed in recent weeks.
The state-run Rokna quoted Niousha Mohammadzadeh, a practicing doctor, as saying that her college had purchased three bodies, one of which belonged to a man who was executed in prison and who didn’t have immediate relatives. His corpse cost 10 million toman ($3,000), she said. The second body belonged to a homeless person and the third body was of an unidentified person.

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