Sunday, April 23, 2017

Iran: Musician, Cameraman at Evin Prison are losing their ability to walk

Iran: Musician, Cameraman in Critical Condition at Evin Prison

Are the musicians and video graphers in prison ?  Unfortunately, in Iran under the fraud and executioner's mullahs  anyone should go to jail for his beliefs. Iran has banned the music video and movie business is a risky business.

Mehdi Rajabian who is a musician and is in jail  is now losing his ability to walk after being diagnosed with MS a few months ago who is a Being held at Evin Prison from May 2016 for his artistic activities, Rajabian has now gone on a longtime hunger strike to protest against being denied of taking sick leave.

his health status has deteriorated, leaving him in a too critical condition. Meanwhile, the prison doctor has also approved his illness, but this has had no effect on the way he’s being held in prison.
The officers responsible for his case (the Revolutionary Guards -IRGC ) are still preventing him from being treated or released.
Also held in Evin Prison is the artist’s brother, Hossein Rajabian, who like his brother is denied of having access to medical services despite suffering from kidney problems.

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