Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The mercenaries cannot achieve their objectives by intimidating and harassing

Mehdi Farahi Shandiz : the Harassments and Intimidations Will Not Stop Us

The political prisoner of Gohardasht Prison , Mehdi Farahi Shandiz in a statement wrote about the inmates who were executed at the dawn of April 19:
"The mercenaries cannot achieve their objectives by intimidating and harassing the political prisoners and human rights activists.
He referred to the young prisoner named Mohsen Babaee who was hanged as well. He wrote, "Mohsen was a young 29-year-old man. He was so passionate, fair, and humanitarian in every sense. He was a friend of all political prisoners. His passion for political and human rights activities made him closer to other political prisoners including Shahrokh Zamani Faghid, Arjang Davoodi, and Behnam Ebrahimzadeh. Mohsen always supported the political prisoners and human rights activists in different ways.

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