Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Political Prisoner: No to the trickster! No to the executioner ! My vote is to overthrow the regime

Abolghasem Fooladvand political prisoner  and supporter of the (PMOI/MEK) released a statement supporting the boycott of the Presidential Election in Iran.
In a part of his statement wrote: 
By looking closely at the face of these criminals, we conclude that there is no difference among the principlists’ and the reformists’ factions, the National Freedom Movement, and those opportunists called the Council of Nationalist-Religious Activists, since all of them are devoted to the Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist. These factions officially pledge their support for the regime, because they only struggle for power and plunder. They will commit all sorts of crime in order to fulfill their objectives."
He also mentioned the resistance of Mujahedins in these years and their role as the main opponents of the regime. "The criminal Khamenei is well aware that the PMOI/MEK will never topple, since they resisted in Camp Ashraf for 14 years against the most brutal acts of the regime with the support of its international appeasers. The appeasers finally lost and a new era began. The PMOI/MEK immigrated to Albania in order to join Maryam Rajavi and her litigation movement for the massacre of 30 thousand political prisoners. This movement has spread in Iran and all over the world to overthrow the regime."

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