Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Slow torture on Hunger Strike

Report From Inside Iran: Prisoner of Conscience on Hunger Strike
He has lost 7 kilograms in weight since going on hunger strike on May 7. 
He is an Iranian Sunni prisoner in Rajai Shahr Prison of Karaj.
Seyyed Qassem Abesteh which was arrested in February 2010 and transferred to the solitary confinement of Urmia Intelligence Department in northwest Iran. He is  in prison for 7 years.

His crime is due to the authorities’ refusal to provide him medical care.
Now a tumor has been found near this prisoners’ tonsils, making even breathing difficult for him.
Physicians have said this is a very dangerous illness and there needs to be a sample taken from the tumor, leading to probable surgery. However, the prison clinic says judicial orders are needed for this prisoner to be sent to a hospital. On the other hand, the regime’s judiciary refuses to accept any responsibility in this regard, practically leaving this prisoner in a limbo.

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