Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Travel ban for Reza Shahabi and Davoud Razavi

Travel ban  for Reza Shahabi and Davoud Razavi
French trade union invited the two directors named Reza Shahabi and Davoud Razavi for the 106th Summit of the International Labor Organization (ILO) but they couldn't attend in it beacuse they were in  travel ban. this is while two labor activists were off to Geneva on Saturday, June 12, the airport agents banned their travel.
Reza Shahabi  who was beaten in the attack on the Ward 350 of Evin Prison because he was a political prisoner  also this labor activist was hospitalized for a while in the neurology section in Tehran, as he got weak and sick after the 50 days of hunger strike and he was in urgent need of surgery in the neck and spine.
In this way Iranian regime don't let any activist to exist in Iran because he fair of their revelation .
As we know that  Amnesty International on June 2nd issued an urgent action statement expressing concerns over the deteriorating health conditions of Mohammad Maeki,  beacuse he was  prevented from traveling abroad for medical care.
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