Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Hunger strike to protest the pressures on christian prisoners

The Political Prisoner, Goes on Hunger Strike in Gohardasht Prison
Ebrahim Fiouzi a christian political prisoner went on hunger strike to protest the pressures on his fellow christian inmates.
He is in Gohardasht prison which is located in the city of Karaj, west of Tehran, he has writen a letter to discribe the reazon of his action.
He mention that the Judicial system  under the rule of the mullahs in iran mistreats the new Christian converts. they don't  allowed any religious Christian books and Iran's judicial system imposes unfair and heavy sentences against the Christian converts and 10 people are detained and sentenced to long-term imprisonments. 
then he rezulted that : I go on hunger strike on July 17, 2017, for consecutive 10 days in order to support the demands of those dear converts. In a letter to Tehran's Prosecutor on July 16, 2017, I have talked of these limitations and announced that, "The Iran regime does not determine religion for the people and the church authorities are the only ones responsible for this matter."
In the 10 point plans of Ms.Maryam Rajavi for future of has come that: We are committed to the separation of Church and State. Any form of discrimination against the followers of any religion and denomination will be prohibited.

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