Sunday, July 30, 2017

The Anniversary of the 1988 Massacre - Maryam Rajavi's Message

Maryam Rajavi's Message on the Anniversary of the 1988 Massacre
Mrs Maryam Rajavi, the president elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran ( NCRI) sent a message urging the UN High Commissioner on human rights to immediately set up an independent committee to investigate the 1988 massacre and subsequently put those in charge before justice, this massage send on the 29th anniversary of one of the most hideous crimes against humanity since the Second World War, the following is the full text of the message:
Justice seeking movement has shaken up the regime relying on massacre- Maryam Rajavi’s message on the anniversary of the 1988 massacre
Fellow compatriots, 29 years ago on these days, Khomeini, the century’s most ruthless murderer, launched the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners affiliated with the PMOI and other dissident groups.

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